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 Higher Secondary Second Year (Plus Two) English


The 3L’s of Empowerment (speech)  by Christine Lagarde

The 3Ls of Empowerment – Summary

Summary / Review / Appreciation / Notes

“The 3Ls of Empowerment” is a speech done by Christine Lagarde the first woman Finance Minister of France. She exhorts us to take the challenges of the 21stcentury.

In her talk, Christine Lagarde talks about the importance of women’s empowerment and how to achieve this goal. She begins her speech by emphasizing the role of women in the modern world. Women have great potential. But they do not have the opportunity to contribute to the benefit of all humanity.

There are three ways to open the doors of opportunity for women. He calls them three L. It’s all about Learning, Labour and Leadership.

Learning or education is the foundation on which all change is built. Learning helps women to help themselves. Women’s education has a broader and stronger impact than men’s education. This is especially true in developing countries.

Labour or Employment is another step in helping women reach their true potential. Today, they face many problems, such as unequal wages, low payments, low job security and exclusion from high status jobs. If women participate in economic activities, it is good not only for women, but for the entire nation. Financial participation by women can increase per capita income. To provide more opportunities for women in the workplace,  changes in laws and policies may become necessary.

The third aspect is Leadership. More women have assumed leadership positions. It must be part of the decision-making bodies. In fact, women are as good or even better leaders than men. They make decisions based on building consensus, inclusion and compassion.

If we create a world where women can reach their potential, the world will reap the  benefits. Lagarde concludes by saying that if women dare to make a difference,there will be difference in the society and this difference will deliver good results.

The 3L’s of Empowerment (speech)  by Christine Lagarde – Original Speech



The 3L’s of Empowerment (speech)  by Christine Lagarde speaks about Economic Equity


Original Text of the speech by Christine Lagarde

About Christine Lagarde the author


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